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Thursday 15 August

Conference and workshops venue: Radisson Blu Hotel Bodø


Registrations at the welcome desk

Radisson Blu Hotel Bodø



Parallel workshops

Workshop - Údarás na Gaeltachta / Muintearas (Ireland)

“Cuisle na Gaeltachta / The Pulse of the Gaeltacht”


Facilitated by:

  • Elaine Scahill, CEO Muintearas
  • Cathal Ó Curráin, Youth delegate


The workshop will provide an overview and insight into youth participation through Culture in the Gaeltacht - the Irish language speaking region in Ireland.

Workshop - Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Serbia)

Facilitated by:

  • Ivana Macak, President of the Students Parliament at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad
  • Dalibor Milicevic, civil servant in the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina


The workshop will share best practices on youth inclusion in decision-making, especially through the example of the Students’ Parliament of the University of Novi Sad, and how this body allows students to be represented, to exercise their rights and to be included in (political) decision-making, at local and regional level.



Coffee Break



Parallel workshops

Workshop - Kanton Zürich
In collaboration with the Zürich Youth Parliament “Democratic Culture in the Canton of Zurich”


Facilitated by:

●  Gianluca Coccitti, Co-Vice-President, Zürich Youth Parliament

●  Moritz Elsner, Zürich Youth Parliament


The workshop will address the topic of growing up in a democracy with abundant direct democratic instruments, with the particular case study of the Zürich Youth Parliament, and how they include people who are not able to participate in the regular political process (for example, foreigners).


Workshop - Sámi Pathfinders and Sámi University College

Sámi Pathfinders 



Facilitated by:
Nathaniel Holan Larsen, County Councillor in Nordland County Council
●  Ida Emilie Lindseth

● Per Henning Mathisen


“The Sámi people historically inhabited the area known as Sápmi, spanning Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. While rooted in tradition, their contemporary presence extends far beyond their ancestral lands, with Sámi communities thriving worldwide. Today, the Sámi history and traditions are visible in the city life, and you can find it in both music, art, handcrafts, literature, and in the everyday topics in the communities.”

Learn more about the Sámi people and culture: Visit Bodø






Cultural activities programme

Organised by Nordland fylkeskommune

Cultural activities programme




Closing Evening, Farewell Dinner & Cultural showcase

Including the MYFER Award Ceremony for the Most Youth-Friendly European Region

Venue: Bådin brewery - Craft from the Arctic 

Address: Tolder Holmers vei 6, 8003 Bodø 

Participants meet at 18:30 in front of the Radisson Blu Hotel, where a marching band will be playing. We will walk all together from the hotel to the brewery where the closing evening will take place. Participants are encouraged to bring their national / regional flags to the parade! 

The MYFER Award Ceremony will be facilitated by the Youth Regional Network. 

The closing evening will include a farewell dinner at a brewery and a cultural showcase, including traditional dancing and music from Nordland, the Sámi community, and the Gaeltacht
