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Wednesday 14 August

Conference and workshops venue: Radisson Blu Hotel Bodø


Registrations at the welcome desk

Radisson Blu Hotel Bodø



Parallel workshops


Workshop - Agència Catalana de la Joventut & Sala d’Art Jove (Catalonia, Spain)

“Inventing recipes to be (together)”


Catalan Youth Agency

Sala d’Art Jove


Facilitated by:

  • Eva Paià, Co-Director Sala d’Art Jove
  • Agnes Essonti Luque, Artist


This workshop is designed to create critical conversations and reflections around what it means to be in the same space and time, despite our diverse histories. By creating specific experiences with the attendees, the facilitators will share ideas of art, creation and education from Catalonia: a Mediterranean, multicultural and multifaceted region that interweaves multiple cultural narratives. The first part will be dedicated to sharing the model of Sala d’Art Jove, a space that runs a series of experimental processes for young artists and curators, and interrelates artistic practices, education and cultural production. SAJ challenges hegemonic practices by opening a safe space for other ways of doing and being in the world.


The second part will invite the participants to experience a moment of collective action intended to demonstrate both the artist’s own practice and show how food functions as a form of cultural heritage bringing people together through collective sharing.


Inventing recipes to be (together) does not only inspire knowledge production, participation, and dialogue, but it also fosters inclusive practices that are at the core of what it means to be human.

Workshop - Maramures County Council (Romania)

“Art Therapy”


Asociatia Culturala ART-M


Facilitated by:
● Angela Kolozsvari, Clinical psychologist


The workshop will focus on Art Therapy and the benefit of plastic art, music and dance in treating different types of psychological problems. The spectrum of application of art therapy is quite wide, starting from depression, anxiety, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism to degenerative diseases.


Art therapy removes depression, balances the person with behavioural and mental disorders, helps treat addictions and can slow down the manifestation of degenerative diseases. All this is complemented by the state of well-being and the increase in the mental quality of life.


Over the years, the individual office of clinical psychology and psychotherapy Angela Kolozsvari developed several activities of Art Therapy, mainly focusing on children and youths.


In the first part of the workshop, a theoretical presentation of Art therapy will be performed, followed by a practical part, where participants will be invited to dive into this special kind of therapy and leash their creativity.



Coffee Break



Parallel workshops

Workshop - Narvik war and peace centre (Norway) 

“A brave new world, creating your own utopia” 


The Narvik War and Peace Centre 



Facilitated by:

Joakim Evjen

Alf B. Jensen


Themes of the workshop will include social sustainability, cooperation and society building. The participants will be challenged to think outside the box in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. 


We are the facilitators, which means that you are the main actors of the workshop. Our workshop will follow a non-formal approach to learning. The outcome is determined by you as a group or as individuals. In this exercise you will be able to use your creativity in more ways than one. 


The Narvik war and peace center is one of the seven peace centers in Norway. We aim to educate people of all ages about societal themes such as war/peace and human rights. In addition, we are also involved in many youth projects locally, regionally and internationally. These projects are mainly funded by Erasmus+

Workshop - Donegal County Council (Ireland)

“Intercultural integration and social inclusion”


Facilitated by:

Christina O’Donnell, Social Inclusion Unit, Donegal County


Peter McNelis, Donegal Youth Council

The workshop will focus on intercultural integration and social inclusion approaches and policies, building from Donegal’s expertise, projects and partnerships on the subject.

Donegal County Council notably takes part in the EU-Belong project, “An intercultural approach to migrant integration in European Regions”, co-funded by the EU’s AMIF Programme.






Cultural activites programme at Kjerringøy

Cultural activities and dinner. Organised by Nordland fylkeskommune

Cultural activities programme

Remember to bring outdoor / comfortable clothing