Workshop - Maramures County Council (Romania) “Art Therapy” Asociatia Culturala ART-M Facilitated by: ● Angela Kolozsvari, Clinical psychologist The workshop will focus on Art Therapy and the benefit of plastic art, music and dance in treating different types of psychological problems. The spectrum of application of art therapy is quite wide, starting from depression, anxiety, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism to degenerative diseases. Art therapy removes depression, balances the person with behavioural and mental disorders, helps treat addictions and can slow down the manifestation of degenerative diseases. All this is complemented by the state of well-being and the increase in the mental quality of life. Over the years, the individual office of clinical psychology and psychotherapy Angela Kolozsvari developed several activities of Art Therapy, mainly focusing on children and youths. In the first part of the workshop, a theoretical presentation of Art therapy will be performed, followed by a practical part, where participants will be invited to dive into this special kind of therapy and leash their creativity. |