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Summer Academy Organizing Committee - SAOC

The AER Summer Academy is organised by an Organising Committee consisting of a group of approximately 10 AER Member regions. They contribute financially to the event, and as such are entitled to lead a workshop at the Summer Academy, showcasing their region’s expertise and best practices in a topic of their choice (in line with the main theme of the event).

The host region of a Summer Academy is in charge of the logistical organisation of the event. The AER Secretariat works jointly with the host region to elaborate the programme, to invite relevant speakers and stakeholders, and to develop the communication and promotion strategy. The SAOC provides guidance and support, organises their respective workshops, and brings along a regional delegation to the event.

Members of the SAOC 2024

Bruxelles-Capitale (BE)

Catalonia (ES) – Catalan Youth Agency

Donegal County Council (IE)

Flevoland (NL)

Jönköping (SE)

Maramures (RO)

Nordland (NO)

Udarás na Gaeltachta (IE)

Østfold (NO)

Vojvodina (RS)

Zürich (CH)



Objectives of The Summer Academy

  • To facilitate the exchange of experience and good practices between regions on issues of common interest.
  • To facilitate exchanges between policy-makers and young people.
  • To support mutual learning.
  • To promote regional democracy in Europe and the implementation of the principle of subsidiarity.
  • To provide an opportunity for regional representatives to build networks with their peers across wider Europe (i.e. both in EU and non-EU countries).
  • To foster interregional co-operation.
  • To highlight regional good practices and promote the host region
  • To promote European construction, European identity, and meeting between young people.