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CL-YE Climbing The Ladder

Program for the project study visit to Nordland. (PDF, 130 kB)

Climbing The Ladder

Implementing several activities, trainings, offering consultancy to public bodies and engaging with thousands of young people. They have realized how relevant it is a more comprehensive approach to support young people in becoming facilitators of democratic processes, in revitalizing a space of political dialogue, create the basis for the development of new policies in line with the needs and vision of new generations. To do so, they should start by exploring what kind of means, resources and opportunities already exist, how those could be improved and how new initiatives and mechanisms of youth engagement could be developed, through a participatory process.
The project addresses the need for effective and meaningful structures, mechanisms and spaces for the active engagement of young people in policy making and decision-making processes, at local, regional, national and European level.


Some of the key objectives of the project are:

  • to analyze and understand the key features of current models and mechanisms for youth engagement in Europe
  • to collect and share successful practices that encourage young people, policymakers, and practitioners to involve the youth perspective in policy making
  • to create an accessible platform for implementing youth engagement mechanisms
  • to establish two networks (of young facilitators for democracy and of young city/regional councillors) to promote citizen participation and democratic engagement at the local and regional
    levels throughout Europe.




Developing Youth Participation at Local Level. The lead partner for CY-LE.

DYPALL Network is a European platform of over 80 civil society organizations and local authorities from more than 30 countries, that aims to involve young people in decision-making processes at local level, and thus enable municipal and regional authorities to address the needs and interests of youth, engage young people as active actors of problem-solving and increase the level of ownership, commitment and involvement of an important part of our communities.